Sponsorship — AIA Shanghai
A Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

Chapter Sponsorship

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About AIA Shanghai

AIA Shanghai extends the services of the AIA to its members practicing in Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), to uphold a high standard of design, education and professional practice among its members. Equally as important, AIA Shanghai helps foster stronger ties between AIA, regional architects and governments in the PRC. It provides a conduit for communication and support from AIA, American associates, and fellow overseas members, aswell as offer a means for local recognition of credentials and professional experience.

AIA Shanghai organizes events for US trained architects and other interested design professionals who are active in Shanghai, and who have professional ties to the United States. AIA Shanghai seeks to foster an understanding of the differences in professional practices between the US and the PRC; promote US training and design approaches; facilitate international recognition of US professional architectural credentials; and foster communications between AIA and its members who work and reside in the PRC.


Sponsoring AIA Shanghai

AIA Shanghai offers a variety of opportunities for corporate sponsors interested in supporting and engaging with our community of architects and designers. Through networking events, panel discussions, master lectures, and our annual banquet, sponsorship offers unique access to design professionals.

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Networking Events

The networking event is our popular monthly event. It’s 20 slides, 20 seconds each. Attendees could enjoy creative and fun presentations from others in our design community, meet other design professionals and be inspired. Networking event sponsors support us with venue, AV, as well as food and beverages.

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Panel Discussions

Through panel discussions, corporate and venue sponsors are introduced as partners, and offered the chance to introduce their companies, as well as present product literature throughout the venue.



AIA Shanghai Lectures cover a variety of topics spanning Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Engineering. These events have either a sole sponsor, or are co-sponsored.


Building and neighborhood Tours

AIA Shanghai regularly offers tours of new and historic neighborhoods, as well as buildings designed by member firms and sponsors, which members attend to earn learning units as part of AIA continuing education.


Annual banquet

Due to the success of the first Annual Banquet in 2018, which was fully sold-out with more than 300 architects attending, we plan to make next year's Annual Banquet even more extensive than its predecessor. It will be the first time the AIA Shanghai Design Awards will be awarded at the second Annual Awards Banquet in 2019.


Learn More About Sponsorship

If you are interested in sponsoring the chapter, or simply would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please send us a message detailing your company’s interest. We welcome inquiries from suppliers, rendering companies, consultants, and a variety of companies supporting the profession of architecture.


2019 Partners

Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors