Chapter News | September 2018
Autumn will be an exciting time for AIA Shanghai. In addition to our regular lectures and events in Shanghai, there is an ongoing exhibit about UPenn and Chinese Modern Architecture at the Power Station of Art this month supported by our friends at ASSC, and US Green Building Council will hold their Greenbuild conference in October.
We are also pleased to announce AIA Shanghai has begun planning for regular events in Beijing to connect to our colleagues and members up there.
And remember that submissions for the first annual AIA Shanghai Design awards will close on September 21 - to be followed by an Awards Banquet in December!
AIA Shanghai in Beijing
AIA Shanghai has organized a group dedicated to providing programming to members living and working in Beijing. Thank you to Qing Tang, Francois Chimier, and Claudio Trucco who will help us support AIA members in Beijing. Upcoming events will include a project tour of the new airport and our regular networking events.
Qing Tang
Claudio Trucco
Francois Chimer
Crossroads in Singapore
AIA International Region Conference - Singapore | November 2-4, 2018
AIA International Region's conference, Convergence: Crossroads in Singapore, will be held in Singapore November 2nd though 4th. It will be an excellent chane to meet leadership form our chapter and firms. There will also be many opportunities to earn continuing education credits. Members and friends of the AIA International Region - including AIA Shanghai - are invited to attend this year's international conference.
Learn more and register here
The Rise of Modernity
The First Generation of Chinese Architects from the University of Pennsylvania
“The rise of Modernity” – An exhibition about the first generation of Chinese architects that graduated from Upenn opened August 18 in Power Station Art Museum. The opening day, together with a series of lectures on “ Upenn and Chinese modern architecture”, drew hundreds of architects from the city and the country, making it the most popular event among the architectural profession this year. The exhibition will last for two months. AIA SH president Alton Chow attended the opening ceremony on behalf of AIA Shanghai chapter, along with other 16 leaders from ASSC, local design institutes, universities, US consulate, etc.For more information:
August in Review
Monthly Happy Hour + Talk with Kyle Mertensmeyer
On August 16th, we had our monthly networking event a the Matsu showroom with an enlightening talk by Kyle Mertensmeyer. Kyle presented research he conducted at Gensler on using design-thinking to solve pollution-related problems that face Chinese cities.
Upcoming Events

Submission Deadline Approaching!
Submit your entry by September 21st to be considered